We're releasing the final installment of our ornament selection for the year today. I still feel like it's a bit early, but I completely understand gift giving long distance and making sure things arrive well in advance. So here they are, our constellation ornaments. As the listing says, I might be predisposed to favoring all things star and space related.
When I was a kid one of my favorite childhood memories is from a night that my friend (of 34 year now) and I were out doing a rescue exercise with her dad who was a fire fighter. We had to pretend we had whatever injury was assigned to us and let the firemen and trainees properly assess our injuries and provide care. I believe I had a broken femur for my injury. We got to cover ourselves in fake blood and everything. We had to lay around on the ground and wait to be found. I remember looking up at the sky, it was so beautiful. Filled with stars. It looked like a movie. Sparkling stars against a pitch black sky. I remember naming constellations weird things like Pound Puppy and ham sandwich. We were lucky to grow up on an island with no light pollution so our eyes and minds could run wild absorbing them all in.
As always, we laser cut and engrave our work with care. We hope that these will become family heirlooms and personal treasures for you. But we highly encourage you to enjoy the night sky whenever you can.
Lasers, stars and love - Thea