Signs of Home
Last week was my 20 year high school reunion (fun fact: I'm older than John). While I was unable to attend the actual reunion but we did need to do some errands on the island. Even though I've been a mainlander for some time now, I still get a longing to see the sights and hear the sounds of home.
Old drive in sign with two remaining marquee letters hanging on.
The Shrimp Shack - on the roadside of the North Cascades Highway on Fidalgo Island never disappoints. That's a 1/2lb of fresh calamari in that basket.
North Cascades Highway leads to my hometown.
Lots of inspiration comes from just being in that area. I've been been much of a city girl so the slightly slower pace suits me.
Since our company's inception, we've created quite a few prototypes with elements of inspiration from my home. One of the most striking things in my hometown is the Deception Pass Bridge. Which is currently getting resurfaced, my condolences to those who need to drive off the island in the evenings.
The best view of the bridge is from below it in a boat. I won't bother posting a picture of it since there are so many better ones online compared to the ones I have here on my hard drive.
The bridge's design is angular and impressive. A prototype that we are continuing to develop is a shelf/stand kit using the bridge's structural design as the inspiration.
Deception Pass Bridge - Laser Cut Shelf Kit Prototype
I've been using one of the small prototype as a candle/jewelry/phone holder.
We're fine tuning the designs but will have some kits in time for the holidays.
I did stop by my old high school since I was there. (Don't worry I keep up with many life long friends on a regular basis. Some friends I've had since I was 5 years old.) I was a bad kid in high school and like the other bad kids, I smoked across the street from the school. I figured that would be a good place to have my picture taken for reunion's sake. Also, I quit smoking years ago.
Lasers and love - Thea