Wild Winds
It's been a weird year for weather here in the PNW. Yesterday was no exception.
Branches on our path to the post office yesterday. Our power was out until 3:00am.
With out power, we tooled around the garden, made clam chowder (we have a gas stove) and played board games well into the night. Anyone ever play Scotland Yard? It's a fun one that my kids (yes, the teenagers) have been enjoying.
Our garden harvest. We have MEGA zucchinis!
Do you have a favorite game or activity to do when the power is out? I know not many people grew up with that inconvenience, but I grew up on an island here in Washington and there were a few times of the year that you'd expect to be without power for a bit due to poor weather.
If you endured the weather here locally, we hope that you didn't have any critical hits to your homes, cars or yourself.
Lasers and love - Thea