Urban Craft Uprising love and a bit of bad news...
First, we had an absolute blast with our debut show in Seattle. Urban Craft Uprising was incredible! We felt so much love and enjoyed laughing and geeking out with customers. Thank you so much for everyone who stopped by our booth! We completely sold out of a few things at the show, which leads me to the bad news...
While we didn't have our keychains at the show (thank you so much to our online customers who stopped by asking for them specifically) we did sell out completely of all of our keychains over the weekend. I know, I couldn't believe it either. But to add more bad news to the bad news, we won't have them in stock again until after the New Year. Since we process the reclaimed wood all ourselves they are labor intensive. All remaining inventory we have is committed to our stockists. Which many carry our keychains. So if you've been hoping to get one and needed to do some holiday or selfish shopping, please check out one of our stockists in person!
Thank you all for the continued support!
Lasers and love - Thea