New Stockist - World of Mirth (Richmond, VA)

We're breaking into the east coast territory!!!! We're so excited to call the World of Mirth in Richmond, VA our newest stockist! 

If you are on Instagram head over to World of Mirth's account now. It looks like the most magical store in the world! A personal visit to this shop is very high on my bucket list! If you are in the Richmond, VA area, I am sooooo jealous of you! Please go visit WoM for me! 

Speaking of Instagram just a second ago, I know content here hasn't been super interesting lately. John and I are a duo company and we've been very busy processing orders, creating custom work and new products that we will introduce over the next few months. BUT, I do post photos on our Instagram account @6by6arts. Shots of work, photos of our home & office, just basically our life in general. 

Lasers and love - Thea