Artist Reception at The Handmade Showroom

Do you recall a little bit ago we mentioned that we were one of the founding artists at The Handmade Showroom in Pacific Place?

A quick refresher, it's super great pop up shop that features many local artists' work in the heart of downtown Seattle. Every time we've been in there, we've been totally delighted to see the handmade displays and of course the amazing work available for sale. 

This Thursday evening The Handmade Showroom is hosting an Artist Reception at the store

From their site: 

We are excited to join the celebration of Fall fashion for ‪#‎StyleuPP‬ by Seattle Magazine happening at Pacific Place Seattle this week!

Visit us on Thursday evening for an exclusive reception to meet our artists, taste wares from our artisanal food vendors, view our collection of amazing handmade work, and get a head start on your holiday shopping lists!

Special on-site tastings with:
Delicately Sweet Confections - Salted Caramel Sauce
Sweet Caroline's Jams - limited edition artisan jams made with seasonal fruits
The Kitchen Imp - hand-blended organic spices and seasonings

In addition to all the fun we will have on hand, there will be a live fashion show happening at Pacific Place, so come early and join in on the fun of fashion!

The Showroom is located on the third floor next to the Nordstrom Skybridge.

All are welcome, so be sure to invite your friends to join in on the fun! We look forward to seeing you Thursday!

John and I will be there! We've recently restocked The Showroom with some exclusive items. We hope to see many of our local friends there!

Lasers and love - Thea