Oregon Coast and the new plant stand.
I apologize for being such a tease last week. I was actually posting heading down I5 with my laptop tethered to my phone. We’ve long had this Oregon Coast trip planned once we knew the vaccinations were rolling out a few months ago.
A couple of the offspring on the beach.
Our entire family went on this trip. My son in law, my younger son’s long time girlfriend and even our doggos went to meet up with extended family. It was so good to see faces and hug everyone after the craziness of 2020. I know the pandemic isn’t over but everyone who attended our vacation was fully vaccinated.
I was just so excited after a long process of trying to make ideas work for a new plant stand - that we finally sorted one out.
This one really seems like a no brainer - Roots for a plant stand. Visually it’s great. Of course we test everything out first before we release them into the wild. One thing we figured out right away with this design that it only works for one size of stand. The layout and all that rooty goodness looks best within the 6.5” x 4” size. The roots are very delicate. Shrinking them will make them extremely fragile. Enlarging them made them a bit chaotic and cartoony.
I was so happy to hear such wonderful feedback already about this design. I did take a little hounding about the lack of their availability over the weekend. But here we are and they are available in our shop.
We recommend these for indoor use only. Aesthetic outdoor photos are acceptable.
Please let me know if you have any questions about our plant stands in the comments below.